German Spring Offensive Merville France WW1 Trench Map 1:20,000 36 NE Feb 1918

 German Spring Offensive Merville France WW1 Trench Map 1:20,000 36 NE Feb 1918
additional image for German Spring Offensive Merville France WW1 Trench Map 1:20,000 36 NE Feb 1918
additional image for German Spring Offensive Merville France WW1 Trench Map 1:20,000 36 NE Feb 1918
additional image for German Spring Offensive Merville France WW1 Trench Map 1:20,000 36 NE Feb 1918
additional image for German Spring Offensive Merville France WW1 Trench Map 1:20,000 36 NE Feb 1918
additional image for German Spring Offensive Merville France WW1 Trench Map 1:20,000 36 NE Feb 1918
80046-PAM143 : SOLD


Guaranteed original WW1 British Army Trench Map for sale. 

For more original british army maps for sale, click here.

The majority of trench maps were to a scale of 1:10,000 or 1:20,000, although trench maps also frequently appeared on a scale of 1:5,000 (maps printed on a large scale such as 1:5,000, were generally meant for use in assaults). In addition, the British army also printed maps on scales smaller than 1:20,000, such as 1:40,000 and 1:100,000, but these maps seldom showed trenches. Therefore, they do not typically count as "trench maps," although by 1918 certain of the 1:40,000 maps did show trenches. As a rule of thumb, the infantry preferred 1:10,000 and the field artillery 1:20,000, with the heavy artillery and staff officers making primary use of the 1:40,000 maps. In the 'Report on Survey on the Western Front 1914-1918', published in 1920, Colonel E.M. Jack wrote "The 1:20,000 was the map commonly used by the Artillery, and as trenches could be shown on it in sufficient detail to be of use to the infantry it was the most useful scale of all, and the one that could least easily be dispensed with." Colonel Jack was a key figure in Great War cartography.

At the start of the war there were no trench maps—trench warfare did not develop until late 1914, and the British army did not possess in the Summer of 1914 the logistical and technical support that making trench maps would have required. The British Army went to war with maps more suited to a "war of movement", i.e. small scale maps, of a scale just about adequate for marching. Once the line had become static after the Battle of the Aisne and the Race for the Sea, the need for accurate, detailed maps of the new trench networks became urgent. The earliest trench maps dating from 1915 were often made from enlargements of French and Belgian maps of variable quality. Some re-surveying of the front was carried out when it was found that such enlargements were not sufficiently precise. Precision was paramount to the artillery, especially later in the war when techniques were developed to "shoot from the map".

These first trench maps, used until the Summer of 1915, also suffered from a lack of standardization. In the absence of a single, theatre-wide format for trench maps, some rather idiosyncratic patterns came into being in these early days of trench warfare. For example, on the British 1st Army Front, troops used the notorious maps that the intelligence officer Col. Charteris favored, which actually printed the North on the bottom and the East on the left-hand side of the map. In addition, the inverted Charteris maps lacked an over-printed grid with hash-marks, so that individual targets required individual target reference numbers. The British Army had to fight two of the largest early battles of the war, those of Aubers Ridge and Festubert, using these wholly unsatisfactory maps. Partly in response to the evident deficiencies of such maps, the British Army put into use, starting in July 1915, the "Regular Series" trench map. These Regular Series maps, printed in Britain, did much to improve the situation (all 1:10,000 scale maps in this series, printed by the Geographical Section of the General Staff, bear the GSGS number 3062; 1:20,000 scale maps of this series bear the GSGS number 2742; maps of this series were almost invariably backed with linen, greatly improving their durability). Even after the Regular Series came into use in the Summer of 1915, however, local editions of maps, of different formats and printed at the front, remained in use, and did so throughout the war.

Please see our other items for more original WW1, WW2 & post war British military documents for sale including other British army trench maps.