Welch Regiment Welch Regiment (Welsh) Cap Badge

Welch Regiment Welch Regiment (Welsh) Cap Badge
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24311-QB08 : SOLD


Guaranteed original. Complete & intact. This is an original Welch Regiment (Welsh) Cap Badge for sale. In good condition. Please see our other items for more original WW1, WW2 & post war British military cap badges for sale including other Welch Regiment (Welsh) cap badges.

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The Welch Regiment (or "The Welch", an archaic spelling of "Welsh") was an infantry regiment of the British Army from 1881 to 1969. Until 1920 it was called the Welsh Regiment. On the 14 September 1914 at Ch�zy sur Aisne Lance Corporal William Charles Fuller won the Regiment's first Victoria Cross of the war when, under withering and sustained rifle and machine gun fire, he advanced one hundred yards to rescue Captain Mark Haggard who was mortally wounded; Captain Haggard's dying words of encouragement to his men 'STICK IT THE WELSH' are immortalized above the clock over the door of the main Barrack block at Maindy Barracks, Cardiff. Captain Edgar Kinghorn Myles and Private Hubert William Lewis each won Victoria Crosses in 1916 at the Siege of Kut, and Evzonoi, Macedonia respectively. Of the thirty four Battalions of The Welsh Regiment, nineteen served actively overseas at a cost of nearly 8000 officers and men killed or died of wounds or illness. So wide-flung was the extent of the First World War that it was finally decided that each Regiment should be awarded 10 Principal Battle Honours to be borne on the Colours and that, in addition, further Honours to which it was entitled would be shown on the Army List.

Of these latter Honours the Regiment earned sixty one. The Principal Battle Honours carried on the Colours of the Regiment's Battalions are: Aisne 1914,1918; Ypres 1914,1915,1917; Gheluvelt; Loos; Somme 1916,1918; Pilckem; Cambrai 1917,1918; Macedonia 1915-1918; Gallipoli; Gaza. In 1939 t39 Arab revolt in Palestine. At the outbreak of war on 3 September The Welch Regiment comprised the 1st Battalion in Palestine and the 2nd Battalion in India. In South Wales the Regimental Headquarters and Depot was in Cardiff with four TA battalions situated 4th and 15th in Carmarthen and 1/5th and 2/5th in Glamorgan. In this World War the numbers of Infantry Battalions raised by the Regiment was eleven only out of which only the 1st, 2nd, 4th and 1/5th saw active service overseas. Having mobilized in 1939 the 4th and 15th Battalions had been retained at home where the 15th rendered valuable service training reinforcements for units overseas. The 4th was in Northern Ireland when in June it was ordered to join the Normandy Campaign. From the start the Battalion was involved in fierce fighting around Caen, the Falaise Gap, the Ardennes and the Reichwald where it sustained very heavy casualties.

Please see our other items for more original WW1, WW2 & post war British military badges for sale including other Welch Regiment cap badges.